Dear Sarah, (I'm excited just by this salutation because the last letter I wrote you was "Dear Baby Girl")
Today was the day you were due to arrive - but you're here and already four weeks old!
In a few short weeks, I have fallen head over heels in love with you in ways I could never have imagined. If you think I'm excited over typing your name "Dear Sarah" - I can't explain to you how giddy I was when we took you to your two week doctors appointment and I filled out your information as Sarah G. Friedrich, my daughter! That's right, I'm legally listed as your parent and guardian, so you're stuck with both me and your dad! Sorry, kiddo!
When I was pregnant with you - you'll recall I was very, very sick (as I will continually remind you when you decide I'm soooo uncool - I carried you for eight miserable months with a gag reflex, stretch marks and a long scar on my abdomen to prove it!). All I could do was pray and tell your dad how I just wanted you to be healthy and strong and when I finally get to meet you - I'm going to kiss you all over. I wanted to kiss every toe, every finger, your sweet chubby cheeks and that crook in your neck that is oh so soft...
You're here and I cannot kiss you enough. I now understand why some moms say they want to eat their children because I could literally nibble on you all. day. long. I tell you how much I love you because I don't want you to ever forget it or go a day without hearing how much you are loved about a thousand times. And I plan to kiss and nibble, snuggle and hug you until the day I die (or the day you die of embarrassment in the middle school parking lot...or...preschool parking long...I'm praying for middle school I pushing my luck with highshcool? College?)
I love the faces you make everyday. It's another reason I could spend all day looking at you. Occasionally when you wake up you give me this grimace like "Mom...this is so not cool, I was sleeping so good." And I thank God that you seem to appreciate the value of a good nap because I certainly do.
Or the grin you have when you pass some really good gas, which I too can appreciate how much better than can feel. I hope I didn't give you my stomach though...
Lately, you've enjoyed peeing and pooping all over us right after we take off your diaper. You tagged your dad so good one night in the middle of the night - he had to give you a bath. At 2 am. (Yeah, he loves you...). You peed right down my side while I was nursing you - but the greatest story is one you need to continually thank your grandma for. She went to change your diaper, took it off you and you promptly pooped at a distance and velocity we did not know was capable. She laughed so hard I went to see what happened and examined the mess you made...we were bent over hooting and hollering because of what your tiny body had just done. Your dad tried to take incriminating pictures of you and the mess, but I'll have you know I told him that was not nice. (In between my uncontrollable giggles!!!) I'm just giving thanks you're healthy and well enough to eat, poop, pee and sleep like all good healthy babies.
Your dad and I went on a date night tonight while your Grandma and Grandpa stayed for the really tough task of keeping you. We tried really hard to have conversation about things other than you, but we both gushed about how much we already love you and the latest cute things you have done.
I already can't imagine life with out you because I am SO blessed because you are here - and I think all of this before you were really even SUPPOSED to be here. I hope one day you have your own children so that you can understand how much better life is when love is shared in such an amazing way. And also, so that one day, you will understand my undeniable addiction to kissing you all over.
Because seriously...look at those cheeks!!!!!
Your Mama
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