Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Gift from God I didn't even know I needed...

 I have received one of the biggest gifts from God at such the perfect time that it's another one of those times that I am convinced God is present for us even when we don't know what we need.

You're going to think I'm nuts, but the gift I'm talking about is selling Arbonne. Yes, this crazy woman started a new business at 34 weeks pregnant.

I wasn't really looking to sell. I was looking to start taking care of myself and my body again. This  pregnancy has wreaked havoc on me. I loved the skin-care I used with Arbonne and I just wanted to spoil myself because by-golly I felt like I deserved it. A friend of mine from get this- middle school - sells Arbonne and we did a favor for each other back when I sold Thirty-One...she bought from me I bought from her and although I LOVED all the purses and totes that I sold...I'm pretty sure I got the better end of the deal. My skin looked and felt amazing.

Having a little knowledge of network-marketing and what did and didn't work for me as a Thirty-One consultant, when I looked at Arbonne's business plan I thought - holy moly, that is way better! And it peaked my interest but I'm still thinking ok, I'm 34 weeks pregnant this is ridiculous but maybe I'll just hear more about it and decide do something after baby girl gets here.

Here's the other thing...watch this opportunity video.

Everything sounds too good to be true..".you're not in business by yourself, just for yourself...this has been a life-changer...I never thought I would do something like this, but I'm good at it." 

Sounds like fantastic network marketing propaganda. So I wanted to talk to a real person. Enter, my sponsor Roxie. Again, after exchanging a few e-mails with her, I was still very skeptical. I broke even with Thirty-One...I want to make money at this and I don't have cash laying around to invest in a bunch of product, so when I made a plan for a cold call from a consultant I didn't know on a Tuesday evening, I was still thinking...I can't do this right now.

But this woman on the phone was an actual REAL person. She has three kids and a marriage and just moved to Houston from Amarillo, life has been up and down and Arbonne has been there the whole time. She quit teaching and gave herself six months to make Arbonne work...she ended up making as much as she did teaching, was also pregnant when she started and then toted her sweet little girl around with her while she built her business. 

Suddenly I'm seeing visions of getting to have my own fulfilling job and staying home with my sweet girl and traveling with Stephen when he's off doing all his deanery duties and extra trips to Dallas to the synod offices.  AND - building up some cash reserve until I can get my long-arm quilting business off the ground. 

God plopped Roxie and her story down right in my lap and I thought - this woman and I can relate! But not only that- she was SO helpful. She wasn't the least bit pushy. She told me I could build my Arbonne business anyway I wanted and promised to put me in contact with some locals in Amarillo after they got back from the Arbonne Global Training in Las Vegas. And she made good on her promises.

Now, I'm not going to lie to you...network marketing is still network marketing. Roxie still gets a cut of what I make and what the people underneath me will make. But that whole "you're not in business by yourself, just for yourself" isn't just propaganda, it's the way the whole company works. Everyone I've come in contact with is helpful regardless of whether or not they're part of my "team". It's like some strange secular version of the Church where people actually HELP each other without expecting some massive payback.

I experienced that when I met a local consultant here that's worked her way up in the company and has also done business with Arbonne a million ways. Buffy was so sweet, so helpful and is going to include me on some of her things locally. (Did I mention we're not on the same team...this woman gets nothing from me...and yet as I offered to pay for her coffee for doing me a favor, she offers to buy mine instead. It's a small gesture I know, but it's just one more example of how awesome the people in this company are!) She also left me a copy of a really great book "The Flip-Flop Ceo" and told me she thought I was in great hands with Roxie but she's happy to help whenever I need.

And apart from the fact that this company and my experience with it has been so uplifting already (not to mention successful)...I still can't believe I decided to jump in at the end of my pregnancy, but it truly is a gift God gave me I didn't know I needed. I have needed a distraction from this baby girl. I'm sleeping horribly, my depression is worsening (naturally), I'm getting contractions daily that constantly leave me thinking "is now the time?" and the whole waiting game is really stressing me out.

So, what have I done? I've said to God "You know when this baby is coming. I trust you will help me know what's best for her and when I need to do something. This is all in your hands." And God said..."I know you Betsy...that's a fantastic prayer, but let me help you with a little distraction and give you something that will help you not just now, but after my beautiful creation gets here." 

I've jumped feet first into Arbonne. I've booked a party, I've placed orders, I've immersed myself in their fantastic online training and for once in this entire pregnancy I have found a way NOT to worry. And now, I have a way not to worry about saving for her education. I've found a way to put something in my own retirement fund. I've found a way to provide myself with a way to take good care of myself, mentally, physically and spiritually. I've found a way to have a life outside being a mother. AND - this way of life will go ANYWHERE with me. I will always have the clients, friends and team I have in Amarillo long after Stephen takes another call. I will always have a way to meet new people in a community when we settle. (Mind you - I'm hoping this isn't for a while).

If there were still a spouses group at Southern Seminary, I'd be sending them an e-mail saying - you have got to try this. This isn't propaganda, this is changing my life, and I'm not even working that hard at it because I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I want you to share in it - not so I can make money or we can scheme together - but because this is the real deal. This is about taking care of people's health and wellness and sharing that with them. I can't help but try to share it with everyone.

I know you all pray for us constantly and like I say - this wasn't even part of my prayers. But thank you for your prayers because God is listening and has been faithful. I give a hearty "A-men" to every single one you have lifted for us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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