This week we got the results of our last sonogram. Dr. Anderson was very happy with what he saw. Baby Girl is growing right on schedule and is neither too big or too small - phew! I've been working very hard to keep my sugar numbers under control so she stays this way and he was very happy with those as well.
I have found a few things that I like to eat and generally eat them everyday with a few deviations every now and then.I've learned to let myself enjoy things I like such as Chik-fil-a.
Believe it or not - my chicken nugget kids meal that comes with a small
fry (and I always trade the toy for an ice dream) puts me in a great
range sugar wise. I guess it's all about portion control. It's hard not
to want Chick-fil-a every day!
While baby is growing well, I actually lost weight this week (2lbs), which is rather hard to believe since I feel like I'm eating so much more! I still have only gained about 6 lbs of pregnancy weight which is also hard to believe at 30 weeks and a belly like I have! I'm hoping that means I'll return back to my normal looking self fairly quickly after baby.
In general, I have found the 3rd trimester to be easier than the first two of pregnancy, but I'm feeling the aches and pains of being so large. My balance is definitely not what it used to be, and spending much time on my feet leaves my hips, knees and ankles sore and swollen. I'm also having a harder time getting good sleep at night and have developed a snoring habit (much to Stephen's dismay!). When I asked him how bad it was (because he often moves to the twin bed in the front bedroom...) he decided to video me, Fortunately for me - he deleted them, sorry to disappoint you!
This week in particular has also brought some pretty strong braxton-hicks contractions. Because I was born so early and my mom's great intuition for going and getting care probably saved my life, I get pretty nervous when they happen. Thankfully, they never seem to have enough regularity to them for me to identify a real pattern but sometimes they can be strong enough to make my abs sore the next day. I'm ready for them to be real so I don't have to go through the emotional roller coaster of "should I go to labor and delivery or not?" or" is she ok?". Having gone twice for false labor already I just want to be able to go and come home with her, but that doesn't need to happen for at least 8 weeks!
For now, I sill continue to go to Dr. Anderson every two weeks until I get close enough to my due date, or we see evidence for a weekly visit (like cervical changes).
In other news, thanks to my connections at Viking, I came across a fantastic way to work at home! Having purchased a clearance semi-industrial machine that is a mid-arm quilter a little over a year ago, I always dreamed of getting a frame for it. For those of you who aren't familiar with the world of quilting - most people do not have the capability to machine quilt larger quilts and send them off to professionals for finishing. This requires a frame that you put the quilt on that allows you to quilt the entire length and width. The frame however, is compatible with another machine that Viking dealers sell and was about three times the price of what I paid for the machine and I could not justify it.
Someone called the store and wanted to get rid of their machine and frame for an unbelievable price! My colleague Jeanne (who stepped in as manager after me) also sews at home and wanted the machine but had no room for the frame. We split the price down the middle to something I could easily recoup after doing two or three quilts for the public.
There's a fantastic market here, as most quilters have month long waiting lists and with my connections through the store at Viking I have plenty of people to offer my services. After writing up an action plan and a business plan, we decided to purchase the frame. Now, all that is left is lots of practicing!
My goal is to get comfortable enough to start for the public sometime in the fall when baby girl gets bigger and won't require so much around the clock care with feedings. My sewing room has lots of room and I will set up a play area for her first with the pack n play and her swing, then later with baby gates and toys. This way, I'll get to work while she's with me and won't have to dump my wages into child care and because I make my own hours, if she needs more attention some days than others, I can work around it.
Yesterday in the tee-tiny town of Dimmitt, TX (about 1hr 1/2 south of here), I went to a regional quilt show that is quite a big deal. I got lots of inspiration seeing some of the most beautiful quilts done by professionals both around the world and right here in our area! It will be a long time before I ever quilt something for someone who wants to enter a competition, but now I have inspiration!
I hope all my family and friends are doing well! Coming up soon we get a visit from Craig and Caroline that we are super excited about. We're also looking forward to trips in the fall for Rebekah's wedding and John's wedding when we can introduce you all to this baby girl we are already so in love with!
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