Monday, December 5, 2011

Snow Day!

Hello to our friends and family out in the world!

We have had an interesting week of weather. We were supposed to get ice and snow all weekend. We were all prepared. I went to the grocery store and got ingredients for chicken and dumplings, we have left over chili, and the makings for potato soup. All things warm and comforting!!! But, as most people here have said, the weather forecasters here almost never get it right. While I tend to agree this is a problem across the country, the high plains here have exceptional weather. It is so erratic you wonder how they could even venture a guess.

Lo and behold, we woke up this morning to the beginnings of a winter wonderland! <And a very warm cat at my feet. He stayed there all night - which is not common. A testament to the chill in the house! As you can imagine, I was in heaven!!!> It will continue to snow all day today and through most the night (if that forecast is correct!). Temperatures will stay between 20 and 25 degrees the next to days with lows in the single digits. <BRRRRRR!> So whoever said it would be hot all the time in Texas clearly had not lived in the high plains! Add these temperature to the norm of blowing winds and you have the makings for some wicked wind chills!

Another interesting tidbit about the weather here is that it could hypothetically end up being in the upper/lower 60's-70s next week. Yes, indeed the weather is never boring.

Here are some pictures from the front and back doors.

Stephen walked over to the office this morning through those trees into the back of the church. I plan on remaining comfy-cozy inside all day. It gives me a good excuse to focus on finishing putting my sewing room together and finally organizing the closet and the rest of my clothes. 

In other news, yesterday church was wonderful. I sang a beautiful anthem with the choir. First service was absolutely PACKED! It was so good to see so many people there!

We were also given the most incredible gift by a woman here. Two hand stitched Christmas stockings. The picture does not give justice to the intricacy of the cross-stitch, but trust us, it is beautiful! I greatly appreciate it in particular because spacing in cross-stitch like that always ends up hap-hazard when I do it. Not to mention I've never done something so huge OR even completed it. <Some may call me a cheater, but I am much more patient with my machine!>

Things are well here! We hope you are!!

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